Helping clients create more effective and successful digital practices
What do I mean by practice?
“…a practice is defined as the entity to which people in a team belong, e.g. the “design” or “research” practice. A practice contains workflow, process, creates value, is measurable, accountable, has a cost, reputation, expectations, can exist in-person or remote, and be centralized, hybrid, or distributed. A practice will have a “health” and “maturity” that influences—and is influenced by—the organization as a whole.”
Through my independent consultancy practice, I work with individuals, leaders, start-ups and companies who want to build stronger, healthier, more mature digital, product, research and design practices that lead to more successful product and service outcomes.
This kind of work isn’t easy. Building strong practices or fixing existing ones can be difficult, often thankless work. It’s wrought with politics, personal agendas, resistance, lack of investment, egos, and all of the terrible things that any type of change can dredge up in people and companies.
But as someone who was a practitioner in this space for many years, who watched digital grow, evolve and, to a degree, turn on itself, I know there are very few consultants around with the experience, patience, tenacity and resolve to create the kind of lasting change that companies need and that people working in them desire.
I have been a team member, managed teams, led teams, supported, built and restructured teams. I have centralized and decentralized teams.
One thing that’s become clear in recent years is that as the velocity of delivery increases, and product, research and design teams become more distributed, the practices that sit at the core of these disciplines have suffered. And they don’t have to. They often become the victims of inexperienced change agents whose focus and interests lie elsewhere… research and design often fall by the wayside as a result, and their core practices–the process, working practices, principles, workflow, mentoring, method, models–often fall away one by one until no core practice remains.
This needs to change. You can have velocity. You can have efficiency. You can have delivery. But the core practices of product, research and design shouldn’t suffer in order to achieve these things.
If you feel the health, maturity, the very existence of your product, research and design practices are suffering, if you’re having difficulting attracting and retaining talented, experienced individuals, if your customer engagement has fallen, if your design is a ghost of what it once was, then consider getting in touch for a capability assessment.
The least you can do is expend a little effort to understand how to improve the health and maturity of your digital practices before you risk further damaging them.
Interested in at least having a chat? Please get in touch.
Ways of working
Employing many different models, method and tools to my work
Tools and models
Tools and models to improve health, maturity, efficiency and engagement.
Change frameworks
Change frameworks to help guide your team through organizational change, or to build new capabilities inside your digital business.
Capability frameworks
Capability frameworks to ensure team health and growth.
Tools to develop skills
Get in touch
Located in London, United Kingdom
Consult for clients globally (remote)